These pieces are collaged onto an Alice-in-Wonderland themed calendar from the stash that Bronwen gave me 100 years ago (2017?).
they have an embossed frame, which i have played with, played around or totally ignored.
about 210 gsm, 40 x 60 cm.
You’ll find bits of Nana’s old sheet music (particularly the shefte rapid course), bits from the Lithgow Mercury, photographs I took myself in Paris (the big coat in the costumier’s window). There’s some ink based and paint-based template of my favourite word poetry templates. It’s mining my archives and disposing of them. As usual maps of Paris feature – I have such a deep stash of maps!
i even put in the map of Vence, outside Nice, where James and I planned a long holiday once. i don’t think i need the map any more.