This project is going on forever, but each time I get ideas for what happens next.
Using more substantial paper, but by its nature the almost-birdcage like quality of this design means that it’s a little flimsy. And I have to master the GSM of the paper for cricket – you can see from the film below that some of the windows broke.
This one I coloured in the internals before I put it together.
Have to master a few tabs, but it all fitted properly.
In the throes of making a golden one from so old card from Reena, with contrasting roof / floor. Have set up the pattern to cut 5 houses from a 30×30 card, so that becomes a different idea.
Also I have learnt that it’s best to construct/glue the roof first, then the wall tab, and finally the floor, but it is all fiddly at this size (maybe not so much if i doubled the size? I’ll find out)