Day 1 and 2 of the summer intensive 2016 have whizzed by.
there are 160 something of us in 9 classes. We filled the Del Close Theatre.
When I did the summer school in 2008 i was in the “international” class. 16 of us. About 6 Brits (hey Maydays!), 3 Canadians (2 of whom now live and improvise in Chicago), and 1 Australian. The rest were Americans.

In 2011 my class was Canadian, American and Swiss-German. There was a Frenchman in one of the other classes.
In my class this year (section 3), there are 16 people. 2 Australians (the other one is from Melbourne), two Londoners, a French woman, a Finn, A Dane, A woman from Vienna and a German man, a Pole, a Hungarian, a New Zealander, a Chicagoan who lives in Poland, and then some Americans.
So something happened in Europe in the last 5 years, How cool!! We might well be creating world peace through improv!