I’ve been clearing out my paper stocks recently. They are now all sorted into neat little portfolios, each labeled. this is in anticipation of bringing down a lot of works from the attic at Newtown, which will also be trashed, recycled or reworked, depending on my mood.
These works pictured here are mostly collage. They have already been put in the recycle bin or used to hold together the pelmet I’m building for my curtains in my bedroom. Many of them are on pages of old street directories, or recycled pages anyway.
When I look at them now (I just spent a little time cropping and playing with filters) there’s some good stuff, but mostly things that will serve as great texture if I need them.
I imagine most of them have appeared on this blog cum sketchbook before, and here they are together. they date from 2015 when I was living in St. Peters to 2018 when I was living in Marrickville. They feel like the lowest of my creative ebbs (many of them were born out of the idea that I had pulled stuff out of magazines and I wanted to make something from them)