Are people unable to express themselves in this street, perhaps?
This afternoon was given over to individual feedback. We each got a chance to say what we loved about people’s play, and what we wanted to see more of, and then Bill set a task, and we played 3 scenes to do the task.
For the first time in I think my whole life, I was asked to TALK MORE. So my 3 scenes were pretty easy. The secondary note was to be more calm (less frantic), which I do know, but it was great fun.
Amazing to see people just doing the opposite of their normal schtick. And we got a few scenes not about dorm rooms and frat houses, which was a nice change of pace!
Final Bill-dom of the week (and probably forever): No specific detail is any better than any other. If you like Bill-doms, apparently he keeps a blog on the iO website somewhere (Bill Arnett is his name).
No impro tomorrow, but I do have a well-deserved massage planned. And an additional impro class Saturday for 3 hours.
The Cubs game is on tonight. It changes parking, there are some restrictions on which streets you can turn into. There are people selling t-shirts saying disgusting things about the non-Cubs teams and non-Cubs supporters, and hawking bottles of water for exorbitant prices. Apparently the menus in the local restaurants are double the price with half the choices (I brought my lunch today, so it’s all hearsay). Match starts around 7pm. It was 530 when I left the building, and there was quite a crowd already. Back up this way to go to the Brits party in an hour or so, so that will be busy I guess.