So day 1 we learnt names.
We pointed and said our names (for much longer than we normally do). I think people were expecting the pattern pointing game and we went really slowly. Nnamdi revved us up till we were pointing and saying our own names quickly.
Then of course we switched to saying other peoples’ names.
And then the “twist” this time: we said other peoples’ names as cowboys, then as kittens, robots, and as opera singers. Created a lot more vocal variety, bigger body language and more confidence.
With 11 Nationalities and a range of English-speaking abilities, it’s going to be interesting to see this class improvise!

Our teacher this week is Nnamdi Ngwe. He has a really relaxed teaching style, and he is rabidly against these behaviours in class (or on stage):
- using “you” when I mean “I”
- leaning or lounging hands in pockets while on stage
- side-conversatoins.