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Farmer’s Almanac

Cindy Tonkin - August 13, 2024

So I named this Farmer’s Almanac, but it should be Builder’s Almanac (because it’s in the image on the cards), but I got it wrong.

I have been preoccupied by my one woman show for the past few months, and really haven’t made much.

These cards were tags from clothing I bought recently. I covered them in an image I’d saved from a magaine. The back of the cards is covered with some leftovers from The Day the Saucers Came.

I made slits in the wallpaper which forms the pockets, so the cards (which are a lovely heavy card) will sit still, and found some linen thread bought from Dick Blick in Chicago in 2011. I have sewn the piece together with linen thread too.

the thing I like about this piece is the assymetry – given that the wallpaper backing was squares, I wanted to play with that a little. I could have trimmed it up straighter with a slant, but didn’t. I was lucky to find some green ribbon the right colour to wrap it together. The wall paper is quite pleasing to work with – it feels almost leather-like

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