Free consulting templates and tips to make your life easier. These are tools and templates I have developed for clients or use myself.

Free tools for corporate teams
- Silo Eliminator Tool
- Client Request Profiler
- Briefing form (find out what they want)
- Make no sound like yes
- Complex Insights Explainer: influence, persuade and seduce senior execs with your mighty data
- Learning Styles: Speak the way people learn
- Internal Consultant’s Consulting Strengths Navigator (highlight what you’re good at and what you need to work on)
- Smart Meeting Bingo: are you wasting 20 or 40% of your time in meetings?
- A short workbook on Self-promotion: get recognised and appreciated ‘
- Team Skills Matrix: What do we know?
- Managing Upwards: dealing with unrealistic expectations
- my Podcast: leaders in data science talking about how they work smarter, faster and nicer
- Team discussion guide: Self-promotion
- Team discussion guide on documenting what you do
- Get a free sample of Chapter 4 of Consulting Mastery – being good is not enough
- Listen to my podcast, Smarter Data People Leaders in Data Science and Analytics talk about how they work smarter, faster and nicer.
- And more tools here

Free tools for offsites
- Offsite Planning Checklist
- Pre Mortem template see here for an explanation.
- Team User Manual for teams to get to know each other better – see here for an explanation.
- DIY Offsite Games
- Silo Eliminator: get the team’s act together
- Team discussion guide: Self-promotion
- Team discussion guide on documenting what you do
- More tools here.
Free consulting templates for independent consultants
- Pitch and Win Focuser for consultants trying to win work (This is not 6th grade Maths: don’t show me your work, show me the answer)
- Briefing form (find out what the client wants)
- Consulting Strengths Navigator (highlight what you’re good at and what you need to work on)
- Client Record Form to understand your client and their personality, tailor your proposals more effectively and remember who’s who in the zoo
- Make No Sound Like Yes
- Invoice template
- Time-sheet template
- Action plan template
- Terms and conditions template
- Client record form template
- Client briefing form
- Magic charge out formula template (how much to charge consulting out at!)
- Consulting skills checklist
- Personal business plan template
- Marketing Audit Checklist
- Financial Systems Audit Checklist
- Asset Maintenance Audit Checklist
Learn more about me, Cindy Tonkin