So i was cruising up King Street with no aim except to enjoy the sunny day and spend little money last weekend.
I saw many things which i wanted to buy, but didn’t.
one was a jigsaw puzzle.
I thought i may be able to create one on the cricut, which i am working on it.
there was a cricut puzzle (puzzle seems to be the american term for it) template, but only A4 size, and the pieces are all quite large. Great for a birthday card, which was its original purpose, but i want something to rival the 1000 piece puzzles we generally do as a group when we take a weekend away.
This one now has maybe 450 but i am limited by the size of the cricut (30 x 60cm). What I ended up doing was compressing and resizing and whacking in several puzzles in the 30 cm wide piece – a bit of old calendar from the stack that Bronwen gave me in 2016.This means there are a few little squares within the puzzle, but it cost me nothing but time.
My plan is to use an old DK book: A street through time I picked up in the street (photographed below). When i truied gluing it to a piece of calendar (so useful those calendars) the glue was patchy, there’s air bubbles, which means they’ll not successfully hold together as tiny pieces (some of the jigsaw bits are less than 1cm x 1cm).
It has just occurred to me that I could do a super-complex jigsaw like I did in some of the Sports Cars pages (the red page comes to mind). maybe next weekend, after I’ve done the other things I have lined up.