AGNSW has Louise Bourgeois – her entire life was spent making (except for 11 years of introspection in psycho analysis, so go figure).
The exhibition was initially lovely and sad and then worrying and then disturbing and so on. Lots of emotional responses in me to what she was making.
I got so tired by the end of the upstairs (“day”) version of her works, but Cathie and I had to soldier on because the guide-person at the door said we didn’t have time to stop for a coffee, because it would close in an hour and a half (wow, she doesn’t know how quickly we look at things, also, how quickly we can coffee). So we did the Tank stuff (“night”) as well, and then had the coffee (iced chocolate – it was a very hot day).
I do not know if the tired was emotionally tired or because my foot was hurting me, lets say a bit of both.
I adored a small work of a tree – Topiary IV – i could make something similar – i think i’ve held onto the ikea earring tree I altered years ago, (now wondering where I could possibly have stashed it). the more I looked at it the more heartbreaking it is – the girl/dress stuck in the tree, the crutch keeping the trees branches up, the lack of leaves (but are they blossoms on the end). Very beautiful.

She also made a series of fabric books out of old clothing (some looked like old umbrellas, but that is probably just that they were cut into triangles to come to a centre. You’ll find the photos below
I took video of a few pieces, because they were too big to photograph or because there were too many of them. Overall it was an inspiring day, and that’s what counts, right?