Life Starts in the Sea
done for the coastal exhibition
Dogs of the Greek Islands
Dogs of the Greek Islands, altered to be all about the sea, for the...
Coroneos Maths text discarded in a dumpster at Sturt / Frensham. Re made with...
Women's Weekly cookbook of maps
Old women's weekly cookbook altered using national geographic maps.
Altered book: Cutouts from the Boy Detective Fails
This was not a great book: The boy detective fails. I bought and read...
folded altered books
Altered books: just folded. The first 2 are from a guide to a Russian...
The Book of Other People: Altered
Altered book - The Book of Other people. Such a beautiful creamy paper i...
Hotel New Hampshire in a box
Linda Calgaro took this piece home with her yesterday, and I realised I hadn't...
collage on a monopoly boardi call these kimonopoly. i have about a dozen.c
Altered sensualist
The original book, The Sensualist, had beautiful illustrations, but i wasn't enamoured of the...
Christmassy: Paper wreaths
The only useful thing in Trash Origami turned out to be the paper wreaths....
Altered: the Book of Other People
I've been looking back into my archives this weekend.Here is a book I altered...
Books with plants in them!
Oh, I am gonna try this: books upcycled as plant holders!
Nature of Language by José Parlá - YouTube
Nature of Language by José Parlá shows a mural made of calligraphy-styled words (unintelligible but...
Sydney Book Art Group at Sydney Writer's Festival
Sydney BAG (Book Art Group) installed a piece at Sydney Writer's Festival this weekend.See...
More pages for the Sydney Writers' Festival Installation
Sydney BAG (Book Arts Group), of which I'm part, is preparing an installation for...