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Make graceful and lasting change

art inspirations


Cindy Tonkin December 12, 2023
Robes of the Imperium

Robes of the Imperium

I had the great fortune to do a collage / books class with Inga...

Cindy Tonkin December 8, 2023
Kandinsky at AGNSW

Kandinsky at AGNSW

Cathie and I popped into the Art Gallery to see Kandinsky. Here are my...

Cindy Tonkin December 6, 2023
Libraries of the World

Libraries of the World

Putting this here so I know it's around: Top 10 Libraries in Europe. I'm...

Cindy Tonkin December 1, 2023
Participatory Art

Participatory Art

I've recently subscribed to a few facebook groups for collage. This post today is...

Cindy Tonkin November 6, 2023
Ekaterina Panikanova

Ekaterina Panikanova

This is just a lovely version of using old books to make new art....

Cindy Tonkin October 7, 2023


This altered book i guess is part of a series, because I've been using...

Cindy Tonkin September 21, 2023
Relation Altered

Relation Altered

I started altering this book a few weeks ago. More details about what I've...

Cindy Tonkin September 18, 2023


I'm about to demolish What Makes a Masterpiece, and then alter a book which...

Cindy Tonkin September 9, 2023
Tiny Books

Tiny Books

Austin Kleon is into the tiny books now too: here is a link from...

Cindy Tonkin September 9, 2023
Sydney Contemporary 2023

Sydney Contemporary 2023

Avril gave me a freeby to Sydney Contemporary this week, which was a fabulous...

Cindy Tonkin August 31, 2023
French Posters

French Posters

Lovely examples of French posters from bygone eras found on this lovely blog which...

Cindy Tonkin August 31, 2023
For the Turns books?

For the Turns books?

Nicola gave me some turns books - ledgers detailing (mostly in pencil) when members...

Cindy Tonkin August 31, 2023
Katie Wolf Collage

Katie Wolf Collage

I've recently subscribed to Revue Colle which looks at contemporary collage. It makes my...

Cindy Tonkin August 5, 2023
365 jours

365 jours

On our trip to France in 2006 I bought this book. It was heavy....

Cindy Tonkin August 2, 2023
Art in Boxes

Art in Boxes

I've been saying I'll do it for weeks and I finally did it today...

Cindy Tonkin July 29, 2023
Ruth Levine and Robyn Kinsela

Ruth Levine and Robyn Kinsela

I caught an exhibition by Ruth Levine and Robyn Kinsela at HKEdit on Thursday...

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