3d book structures
Graham Weebly's bookbinding is just phenomenal. Three-dimensional and touchable!
Paper beads
I saw this "game" in toyshop today - a paper bead making "machine". It...
Decals from tissue and teabags
This is a useful way to make some interesting embellishments. She is using the...
Leather and Brown Paper
Putting this simple way to make faux leather from brown paper here. Been saving...
Galleries 2023
I have had a bit of time on my hands being between work assignments....
Fabulous links
This week's Messy Nessy Chic brought me some really inspiring little things. Shopfronts -...
Stick Figure Maps
Cool article showing stick figure maps from the Polynesian world.
Unplayable score
Look at these beauties!
Dr Seuss
Research shows constraints help with creativity (or freedom is bad for creativity, you choose). Set...
Adelaide Fringe
So this isn't art as such, but i've been having some fabulous experiences and...
Chairs in Adelaide Feb 23
I chose to begin featuring chairs in my artwork and then Instagram more than...
SA Art Gallery Feb 23
I had a good day today. Did a corporate facilitation gig in the morning...
PVA Cornflour "cement"
I am sure that this will come in handy some day: mixing PVA and...
Montien Boonma Tower
yesterday I was at the national gallery in canberra. I was attracted to this...
Rauschenberg Johns 2023
Here are some images from the Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns exhibition i saw...
Cressida Campbell
This is the week of our annual summer school trek to Mittagong and Bowral....