Composition inspirations
This is a little different to the collages I've been doing for a while...
Lautrec inspired
Toulouse Lautrec's Moorish Dances is the piece i've copied this week. It was quite...
Klee Villa R inspired
I've done another Klee. This is Villa R. He made it in 1919. Since...
Old Book Images
There is no end of uses for this site showing Old Book Images. And...
Klee inspired
Continuing my collage series. This time Paul Klee. I was reticent to approach these...
Inspired Theme
This series is part of an exercise in composition. For each of the "inspired"...
Miniature book nooks
Now this is a trend I love - miniature book nooks.
Grant Wood inspired collages. I saw this original painting in the Chicago Institute of...
Hopper Inspired
Hopper-inspired. I'm quite pleased with these ones when i catch sight of them across...
Here's some collage inspired by Monet's Gare St-Lazare. I'm not as pleased with these...
Feininger Inspired
Feininger offered a different challenge for collage because the shapes he makes are deceptively...
Modigliani Inspired again
Continuing my collage series. Last week I created versions of Van Gogh's bedroom, Vuillard's...
Otto Dix Inspired
These collages are inspired by Otto Dix's portrait of the journalist Sylvia von Harden
Ozenfant Inspired
I have moved now from postcards in my collection to images in a book...
Picasso inspired
Continuing my collage series. Last week I created versions of Van Gogh's bedroom, and...
Modigliani Inspired
Continuing my collage series. Last week I created versions of Van Gogh's bedroom, Vuillard's...