Encaustic leftovers
I made a few dogtag like books and a little book mark shaped object...
Souvenir of Singapore
Paper garnered last week in singapore.
Ok. A Packet
Ages ago i did sturt summer Sci with a fabric artist named inge hunter...
At last the tiny library all accessioned
Covered the box with a map of Paris.Added and changed some belly bands.
Tiny library almost done
Added and subtracted bits. Decided to change orientation so it's a box not a...
The library
For the past few weeks I've been working on this tiny library. The box...
More tiny library
This series of tiny concertinas goes into the tiny library.Some of the pages were...
Wallpaper and encaustic
This pièce is a series of booklets which i have woven together with strips...
Tiny bookshelf part 1
Going to fill this 2 compartment wine box with tiny books.I imagine it will...
Pochoir into winged book
A winged book from my old pochoir works.
More pochoir into a three page Jacob's ladder
More of my pochoir works reinvented in a three page Jacob's ladder.
Pochoir reinvented
These books are all made from some pochoir works i made at sturt summer...
Henry Cutler
This book is made from old library borrowing cards. Its name, Henry Cutler, comes...
S a flag book from Tuscany
This single flag book is made from photos taken in Tuscany and Vienna in...
Brequereque - a concertina
See the history of this piece of work here and here.Called brequereque because it's a...