Final Curtain
This piece involves two of my past Sturt Summer School experiences: the laser cut...
Premium White
This is the third book like this that I have made (the previous ones...
Replay - my works
Here is a list of the works I'm showing in re:play from June 2017...
Luxury and Excess
So the last two weeks on my Friday art day I've made split double...
Today I made a double layer split concertina. Materials: I'm working through a big...
Wallpaper - windows and maps
These pieces were printed on the same wall paper as these ones. There are...
M box - letters in a box
As I work through the postcard project I find things that just go together....
El Doorador Laser cut from wood. engraving of a map on one side. some gold...
Galleries made from railway tickets, theatre tickets, museum tickets about 25 x 10cm x...
Tiny Houses from Stamps revisited
Last night I spent a few hours sorting through ephemera I had collected. I...
These tiny laser cut rectangles were originally the windows from the covers of these...
Points of view
These laser cut squares, some with tiny circles cut into them, have been hanging...
Postcard Project: Grapeline
Yesterday I was clearing my desk to go to Workshop Arts Centre for my...
Collaging with squares
I've been collaging the laser cut squares I made from some acrylic works in 2015....
These three small canvases (10x20cm ish), have been in my cupboard half done for...
Tri Part
Three part piece, attached to a piece of wood (because why not?). Each canvas...