These tiny laser cut rectangles were originally the windows from the covers of these...
Points of view
These laser cut squares, some with tiny circles cut into them, have been hanging...
Postcard Project: Grapeline
Yesterday I was clearing my desk to go to Workshop Arts Centre for my...
Collaging with squares
I've been collaging the laser cut squares I made from some acrylic works in 2015....
These three small canvases (10x20cm ish), have been in my cupboard half done for...
Tri Part
Three part piece, attached to a piece of wood (because why not?). Each canvas...
Cook's River
From the laser cut squares made from old acrylic works on paper I have...
Tiny Theatre ticket flag book
Sending this book off to a new home, so I made a quick video...
Concertina in greys
These little grey concertina are made from leftovers and beautiful bits that I have...
Paris Piton
After I've worked on a slow moving series like the Series of Unfortunate Events I...
A series of unfortunate events in a box
I took the leftovers from my series of unfortunate events and some paper I had...
Learn to make Carousel books
I'm really chuffed to say that I've been invited to teach Carousel books at...
Finally a cover...
These two books I made more than a year ago. I finally got around...
Parousel Orsay
This carousel uses different versions of the same image on each layer, and changes...
Inside my altered book
Anna gave me this old book design award catalogue. The pages were such a lovely blue,...
Your Teeth Count Itching to use diagrams in carousels, I dug out an old dental text...