Shopping this afternoon. Shorts to replace my lost ones. Shoes to replace my old ones. Shirts because they were nice AND on special. Books because I can’t live well without them.
Got a full colour history of modern art for $10. And 2 novels. And a fictionalised historical thing (there’s a name for the genre – it’s based on fact, but not exactly) called “Devil in the White City” – about a series of murders here in Chicago during the 1893 World’s Fair (which you’ll remember for the birth of the Ferris wheel and Wrigley’s chewing gum).
I shopped in Macy’s (they have a discount card for foreigners). And then in the “world’s first vertical mall”. Highlight would have to have been Abercrombie and Fitch. The store is lit like a night club. The clothes are spot lit. The music is night club loud. And at the front door is a “greeter” – tall, dark, handsome, male, wearing just a pair of jeans, dancing effortlessly. God Bless America!
Back home now to wash and email, ready for tonight’s shows. I plan on catching two of them. Let’s see how my inner vague works out!